About Us
Our Story
The Industex family covers five continents in more than 60 countries worldwide. After the creation of its flagship office in Barcelona in 1991, ISL quickly grew to include operations in France, the United States and Canada. Subsidiary companies were also formed in Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and Australia. The acquisition of Best Direct International in 2008, one of Europe’s top leaders in Direct Response TV for over 30 years, with its own TV home shopping channel, allowed the company to expand rapidly in the United Kingdom and throughout several other countries.
Since 1992 ISL marketed its products in department stores, hypermarkets and shopping centres with the use of in-store TV Screens to showcase live product demonstrations and via National and Regional television with its proprietary TV infomercials.
As the digital marketplace emerged, ISL adapted its marketing strategy to also incorporate innovative digital marketing platforms.
Today the ISL group has become a global leader in the marketing of consumer goods that provide innovative solutions to everyday problems, through strong retail partnerships, Direct Response TV and online.
Our diverse product range includes personal care, beauty, wellbeing, fitness, kitchen and general household, DIY, textiles, pest control, gardening, pet care, toys, automotive accessories and electronics.
Via TV and online exposure and working with the major international retail partners, our products reach customers on all five continents.
Our Trajectory
After the creation of its flagship office in Barcelona in 1991, ISL quickly grew to include operations in France, Germany, the United States and Canada. In 1993, the company began distributing Direct Response TV infomercials domestically before expanding overseas in 1996. It also founded subsidiary companies in Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Australia. The acquisition of Best Direct International in 2008, one of Europe’s top leaders in Direct Response sales, with its own TV shopping channel allowed the company to expand rapidly in the United Kingdom. Since 2009, ISL has distributed its innovative products in Japan through its subsidiary company E-Chance. In order to meet the growing demand for online shopping, ISL and Best Direct have launched 10 ecommerce ventures in 2020 and consolidated its marketing strategies on social media platforms.
ISL founded in Barcelona/First sales commence in department stores with live demonstrations
First TV informercial is produced and aired on national TV
First distribution of ISL TV infomercials internationally
First sales to retailers in France through our subsidiary company PHIDOM
Foundation of ISL USA & Canada.
Creation of Actervis GmbH (Switzerland)
Acquisition of Best Direct (Intl) Ltd. (UK & Germany)
Creation of ISL GmbH (Germany)
Creation of E-Chance (Japan)
Creation of Best Direct PTY (Australia)
Creation of ISL Srl (Italy)
Creation of the Online Division
First advertisements on Social Media
Consolidation of Digital Marketing sales in mayor countries around Europe, Far East & USA/Nominated one of the Facebook top 30 clients in Europe, Middle East & Africa.
Become a Retail Partner
ISL products are well positioned in major hypermarkets, supermarkets, department stores and discounters throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. With more than 40,000 in-store TV screens showcasing our latest innovations, the ISL Group is the leading European entity for this type of point of purchase promotional selling. The ISL group has extended its comprehensive know-how and product marketing success in major retail outlets to major hubs in Europe, including Spain, Portugal, Italy, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland and The Netherlands.